July 5, 2015

4th of july 2015

we started the day by getting dressed in our red white and blues
and ate pancakes for breakfast

 the kids made theirs really cute
 then we went to boise for a parade
the family next to us took our picture 

 olive was starving so we got her a hot dog from a hot dog stand nearby which felt very appropriate 
 here we go!
 we had seats right across from the capital
it was the best view
 i loved this truck full of flowers
 my favorite sign
because it reminded me of the office
 at the end some trucks came by and sprayed people with water
 eleanor was such a trooper
she held it together really well
but didn't want to get wet

 then the last firetruck sprayed people with a fire hose

 they got soaked and loved it
 noah and hazel are looking so old lately!
 walking back to the car
 we stopped at trader joe's for hummus and popsicles

 then we went to big jud's for lunch
 the big jud! michael, noah and i split it
it is super good
after michael and i napped on our couches while the kids watched tv, we took them to the pool

 cute eleanor
 then we played on the playground for a minute
 on the way home we got some fireworks and rearranged the kids seats in the car
it seems much better because noah and olive were fighting like crazy next to each other
 when we got home we got ready for some fireworks
doesn't our house look cute all dressed up? 
 we had fun our with a few of our close neighbors lighting fireworks

 the kids loved the sparklers
pretty sunset

 we were able to see a bit of the city's show
michael got on the trashcan for a better view

we ended up talking with some of our other neighbors for a bit 
hazel and olive fell asleep on us and my friend took our picture
we had a really great, low-key day
just the way i like it


Natalie Smith said...

looks like perfection

Kristin said...

It was so weird to see that picture of your kids inside your van. I never realized our vans are identical on the inside! And of course we have pretty much the exact same car seat set up... so funny!

What a fun 4th!

Cisneros Family said...

I love you have a big Judd's. They were started where I grew up :). Our favorite!