May 31, 2015

the famous idaho potato half marathon

 the day i'd been training for finally came
nothing like hardly sleeping because you have anxiety
only to wake up at 5am and get ready to run 13 miles
 my sweet hubby dropped me off which was the best so i didn't have to ride the shuttle
and so nice he could since his parents were here
 all ready to go 
 at the start line
 michael was the sweetest and stopped to wait for me at the first water station
it was between mile 2 and 3
 it was so sweet and supportive of him
and i loved getting my water from him
despite knowing i was super ready for the race physically 
it still felt hard and hot and long
but it was good
 spotting the fam :) 
 almost done
 phew! my legs totally cramped afterward
 seeing these cuties at the end was the best
 aren't they the cutest with their signs?
 and this guy!
michael is the most supportive husband
we were both bummed he couldn't run it with me but it was good to run it by myself
for the first time
and seeing him at the finish line couldn't have been any better
he's the best
i love him and i'm so grateful for how well he supports and loves me
i had been considering a full marathon lately
but then the half felt hard enough
my legs cramped, my hip hurt 
i walked the rest of the day like i was 10 months pregnant
and i think i'll take a little break
it was hard and i'm not fast
but i did it! after 5 kids, i did it!


{natalie} said...

You are so amazing! I'm super duper impressed with all the hard work you put in and you did it!

Shirley said...

That was such an amazing feat! You are so lucky to have such support from Michael and your children. I loved the picture with the signs.

miriam said...

you are amazing. look at all those people behind you as you came to the water station! speed demon! having done both full and half marathon, i don't think i'll ever do a full again. i literally couldn't walk after. i like a half because i feel really accomplished because it still is really hard, but it isn't debilitating! that's just me and my experience though. but you were smiling at the end of a half, so maybe you have another 13.1 in you ;)

Monica said...

How great that you could finish strong and have your sweet family waiting for you at the finish line. You look great!

Laurel said...


Kristin said...

Way to go!!!