March 28, 2015

the rest of spring break

thursday hazel started the day with one super loose front tooth
 i tried to give blood after michael at his work
but got rejected for low hemoglobin 
(i still enjoyed my treat)
 then we went to lunch with michael for our outing of the day
it was the only time we saw him all day 
because he went in to work early
and went to the dentist after work for a temporary crown on a cracked tooth
i think he was gone for like 13 hours straight
 i enjoyed some quiet crafty time while the little two napped
and the big three played in the backyard with our neighbors
 then later in the afternoon i was upstairs talking to my mom on the phone 
and when i got off, i came downstairs to find
our bathroom and henry covered in nail polish....
 at first i was a little mad
but then i realized we need to replace the bathroom floor anyway
and this will probably just help us make it a top priority
and i also feel pretty good that it took almost 9 years as a mom for me to have a nail polish incident 
not bad, right?
 who can be mad at this face?
 meanwhile, these 3 were being hilarious pirates
with paper taped to their faces
and a hook taped to hazel's hand that held her fork for dinner

 michael got home just as i finished scrubbing nail polish off of henry in a sink bath
 and just after i yanked hazel's loose tooth out with a piece of floss
she didn't even realize i did it 
 friday was a super fun day because michael took the day off,
we got ready for henry's birthday in the morning
and then we had a little staycation in boise
 the america's test kitchen cookbook is pretty much the only cookbook i use
 our first stop in boise
was guru donuts
i love how close it is to the capital
and how hip it is
 i got the hipsterberry, noah got chocolate poprocks, eleanor got regular poprocks,
olive and hazel got old fashioned glazed and michael got the world's biggest apple fritter
 and luckily we found a table to sit at that was big enough for us
 then we went to the zoo
it was a really nice day out and still spring break
so it was super busy
but we still had fun
 the kids were finally brave enough to feed the goats and sheep
so that was fun
 after the zoo we went to guidos for lunch

 our next stop was camelback park
 michael, olive and noah went up first
and then all 3 big kids and michael went up again before we left
 i stayed with this cute girl and pushed her on the swing 
while henry napped in the stroller
 i love this picture of noah and hazel in a tree at the park
we stopped for ice cream cones at fanci freez and 
then went home and finished getting things ready for henry's birthday

it was such a fun day
and it was the best having michael with us
the perfect last day of spring break


Christie said...

sounds like fun! except for the nail polish incident... but that's like with little kids I guess!

Natalie Smith said...

The nail polish is a nightmare...
That park looks really neat!

Trudy G. said...

Fanci Freeze! I love how you're enjoying Boise. That's my hometown. It's changed so much over the years. But still a fun place.