February 24, 2015

a bunch of sickies

we've been pretty lucky health wise recently
but a bug finally infected us this last week
it started with eleanor having a fever and a rash
then hazel got a fever
olive got it and now henry
instead of going to church on sunday, i stayed home with the sickies
 being sick doesn't really get hazel down
unless she's really sick
so she and i made cookies, did the laundry and played go fish while the three little ones napped
 i am definitely a fan of michael's new cookie dough baller

 michael and noah had a good day at church
and did some wrestling afterward
noah loves it and gets freaked out every time
 and a couple pictures from grocery shopping last night
for a brief moment they were all in the cart!
 and then this happened
spoiled girls :) 
i was really hoping everyone was on the mend
 but this morning but today things seemed worse than ever
olive stayed home from school
and hazel came home early after throwing up at school :(
they both napped on our bed together
 henry has the rash pretty bad
but was happy if not a little clingy all day
 poor olive (and hazel) have had the worst headache today
 luckily noah doesn't have it......
i really hope he can avoid it
isn't he so cute practicing piano?
we really need a piano bench
here's to a healthier tomorrow


Charlene said...

Hope you all get better soon.

Kristin said...

Hope you guys all get better soon!

Shirley said...

Hope everyone is doing better.