January 22, 2015

a few little things

 i love that olive wears her tutu to bed with her pajamas
she was showing me some ballet moves, too
eleanor is the best
she is the FIRST one to get her jammies on 
almost every night
and she's TWO! 
sometimes she does it before we even ask
she's also the first to get her coat and shoes on whenever we're going somewhere
bless her and her sassy pose
eleanor told olive she'd catch her
but luckily olive said, "i'm too heavy!"
 i love hazel's nightstand covered in books
 yesterday michael gave blood for the first time
 then he asked if i wanted to come give blood, too
on the way there eleanor and i saw the helicopter and airplane
accompanying president obama
and once i realized that's who it was i excitedly told eleanor
and she responded for the first time ever, "NO WAY!"
i loved it
 the lovebird blood doners
 hey o!
 after i gave blood at michael's work
i went and got olive from school and then picked noah and hazel up
and realized i had michael's keys and my keys
so he wouldn't be able to get home
so i was trying to take his keys to him
when i got hit by a truck
that got hit by a little car
driven by a woman who was accelerating and looking out her window
despite me being stopped waiting to go through a light...
 we only got damage to our trunk
but the lady in back's car is trashed
i'm amazed she was ok
 the truck in between us didn't have any noticeable damage
 luckily everyone was ok
and we made it to ballet on time
eleanor has a little obsession with this little baby
and the baby's mom is super nice to let her hold her newborn every week
 olive chip clipped her nose this morning
 just for fun, obviously
 i made a potato leek soup for dinner
and when the kids got home from school they helped me make whole wheat pretzels
they loved helping me


Natalie Smith said...

Love your girls' attitude...too cute

Christie said...

potato leek soup and homemade whole wheat pretzels?! you are amazing! my kids are literally living off of granola bars and fruit snacks this week. I'm glad you were ok after your accident - scary!

Charlene said...

So glad you are guys were okay. Mmm whole wheat pretzels sound amazing!