November 21, 2014


olive picked her own outfit
down to the hairstyle, necklace and belt
i thought it was pretty cute
 henry is mastering the stairs
a little early for my liking
he's made it up about 5 so far...
 i really don't know how eleanor can see most of the time
i'm trying to teach her to push it out of her way
because she won't keep a bow or ponytail in her hair
oh, and she chipped her teeth a week or so ago
which is not great 
but kind of cute
 henry's separation anxiety is killer lately
he cries if i try to walk away from him
so i let him nap on me the other day
 happy hazel during dinner the other night
 and noah
it's hard to get pictures of these two because they're at school all day
 i was trying to get a picture of henry following michael's food around
but instead he just looks grumpy
but michael is cute
 early morning cuddles 
hazel misses henry and eleanor all day while she's at school
henry has the best eyes
 eleanor, henry and i spend so much time in the car
waiting for kids to get out of school
 poor girl got wiped out after grocery shopping at winco
and a trip to the post office
it wiped me out, too
 henry and eleanor have so much fun together in the tub these days
 while i was sewing, henry was jumping
and then he was sleeping
a minute later he woke up a little and started jumping again
 michael thinks eleanor's hair is straightening out at the top
we'll see what happens
she's so pretty
and such a good sport riding around in the car all the time
 on the way to school the other day
 noah said, "mom, instead of buying me pajamas, will you make some?"
so sweet
and hazel said, "yeah, will you make us Christmas pajamas?"
so i got to work
and now i'm done with everyone's jammies
i love them
i'm so excited for noah and henry to match
i'll need to find them some shirts
 eleanor fought her nap so hard today
which is terrible because i'm not ready for her to drop her nap
(even though all her older siblings had by this point)
i found her asleep on her floor wearing her backpack
 we went thrifting tonight and had some awesome luck
look at that vase
and those nikes! i was seriously just wanting to buy the exact same ones
plus cute boots for hazel next year
and an awesome mexican blanket
we have no plans for the weekend but may get started on our floors
we're looking forward to a week off next week
and thanksgiving

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