October 27, 2014

olson family fall festival family home evening

we've been anxiously waiting for today so we could carve our pumpkins
we thought it would be best to save it for the monday before halloween
and do it for family home evening
i kicked things off by making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
for the kids to eat after school
 then we ate dinner
and afterward we got everything ready to carve pumpkins
 i made caramel from scratch for our caramel apples
 michael said it was the best caramel apple he's ever had because of it
and said i need to make it every year from now on for our kids and grand kids until i die...he's sweet
 noah ate two because olive decided she didn't want hers after all
 here are michael and hazel's pumpkins
 here they all are
michael's, eleanor's, noah's, olive's and hazel's
somehow henry and i didn't end up with pumpkins
but that's ok, i don't think either of us cared much
i think our little fall festival family home evening is my favorite one every year
it's so fun
we had music on and the kids were having dance/singing parties
i loved it


Shirley said...

You and Michael have just the greatest family. You have so much fun. I love the pictures of the Carmel apples and your pumpkins are just wonderful.

Natalie Smith said...

what a great party!