October 30, 2014

a few things round here..

we got our knobs on! 
it's amazing!
 olive loved dressing up for her preschool party
 hazel's favorite thing is raking the leaves in our front yard
 to jump in them of course
 olive doesn't mind, either
 speaking of olive, she got a nasty bruise on her cheek at preschool
during recess
it looks awful
like we beat her
which we don't..no matter how tempted we may be ;)
 i have this terrible feeling that eleanor is nearing the end of her naps
hopefully not too soon
i'm not ready!!!
look how darling and peaceful she looks napping in her crib..
 michael worked late tonight
and for some dumb reason i made a real meal for dinner
chicken enchiladas
noah was the only one who tried them
and he didn't like them
so everyone ate chicken nuggets and meatballs instead
at least they ate the cantaloupe and smoothie i made them...
(noah's nugget was too hot)
 look who helped me with the dishes after dinner!
this little bear makes me so happy
i love his curiosity and having him right by my side
 just taking a practice spelling test before scouts
the kids are very excited for halloween tomorrow
and michael and i are excited for pay day and more projects!!


Shirley said...

Your cabinets look so great! I love all the pictures you put on with your family. Noah looks so serious with his studying and so handsome in his uniform.

Tami said...

I am dreading Ellie dropping her naps, and I love how your kitchen turned out!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Micah is outgrowing naps too and it is the WORST! I hate it! Also I love how the girls are jumping in the tiniest little leaf pile! haha