September 19, 2014

this week

when i got home on sunday
michael had dressed henry and eleanor in their sailor outfits
it pretty much melted my heart
 aren't they the cutest?
eleanor loves to take pictures with henry

 this one makes me laugh
she's such a helper...

 i painted noah's room this week
and while i did, henry was playing at my feet
eating corn dog peelings dropped by his sister...
he really liked it...
 we think henry is going through a growth spurt
he is eating and sleeping a lot
one night he fell asleep mid bite of applesauce
cute kiddies ready for school
 the little girls love to go through noah's stuff while he's at school..
 all ready for ballet
 i thought eleanor would like to go watch the big girls
but she was way offended she didn't get to go in to class
luckily i had some chocolate in my purse to help ease her pain
 henry loves baths!
 and sleeping on his mom
 today was 'talk like a pirate day' so we dressed up for free donuts at krispy kreme

 the kids loved it
 how cute is henry in his thrifted baby gap skinny jeans and moccasins?
 noah came in and snuck onto the side of my bed
wearing his army helmet and using his binoculars
silly boy
the end


Natalie Smith said...

A whole lot of cute in this post

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Love all those pics of your cute kids. Henry is getting so BIG! And I do love his thrifted jeans :) Also that one of Eleanor in the corner. Ha. I can't wait to see the progress on your new house! Seriously.

andre'a said...

they are SO cute!