August 25, 2014

the first day of school and it is my birthday!

noah and hazel started school today! 
hazel started first grade
 and noah started 3rd
 when did they get so big?
 we live close enough this year that i get to drive them every day
i'm kind of glad, i don't think riding the bus is that pleasant for them
 noah wanted me to leave him and got pretty embarrassed when he thought i was coming in for a kiss
i wasn't :) 
 i stayed with hazel until the bell rang
 such a big girl
she was hardly nervous (maybe a little about lunch since she's picky...)
she was way excited
 and i turned 29 today!
michael surprised me with a sweet new phone
it's the s5 in gold and i love it!
my phone has been hard to hear out of and cracked for a long time
it's nice to have a brand new shiny one
 i didn't really have any plans today other than taking the kids to school,
cleaning the house for a showing and taking olive to her preschool open house
not very exciting
so i ordered myself some lunch
and a cookie for olive
that we enjoyed while henry and eleanor napped
 michael surprised me by showing up to olive's preschool open house
which was really nice and helpful
then after we picked the kids up from school
they dropped me off for a pedicure
while they picked up doughnuts
 and pizza
(this pizza was sooo good! thanks natalie for the rec!!)
 here's my pedicure
i got gel polish so hopefully it'll last a little longer
 we came home and they sang to me
and we ate ice cream cake (my fave) 
and pizza
 seriously my new fave pizza
it was a big exciting day around here!
here's to 29!!


Natalie Smith said...

happy birthday! you looked beautiful.
all your food makes me hungry.

{natalie} said...

oh yay! i'm so glad you loved the pizza. i have a feeling it might be a problem for me (pizza is a weakness) the white pizza is really good too.

hey, i have a gel light so we can get together and do nails whenever you want!

29 looks good on you and i love the gold phone!

Charlene said...

So glad you had a wonderful birthday!!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a fun day! Happy 29th!

Christie said...

happy birthday! I'm glad it was a good one