August 22, 2014


aren't these the cutest boys you've ever seen?
 michael is super handy
i kind of broke our lawn mower
and michael totally fixed it
he's the best
olive told me to buy a sword (very seriously) if a bad guy tries to break her pillow
this is her very favorite pillow that she sleeps with every night
noah got a little back to school trim
he's so cute!
 this is a picture of our future living room
it is beyond ugly and makes me laugh
don't worry, they're leaving the pool table
and hopefully that bull pen sign ;) 
(it makes me laugh every time i look at it) 
the before and after pictures are going to be amazing!
hazel wanted to rock henry before bed the other night
eleanor loves to pretend to give henry his medicine all day long
luckily he likes his medicine and doesn't mind her doing it
  we went and had lunch with michael the other day
isn't he the cutest?
 then we went to wal-mart and henry sat in the cart for the first time
(we were out and about while our house was being shown to potential renters)
  yesterday i took the kids swimming and eleanor put herself in time out
which is funny because the only other kid who does that is hazel
they are so similar, in a lot of ways
  i might be a bad mom
or maybe utah rubbed off on me
(people are very lax about seat belts)
but i let the kids ride home from the pool un-bucked (it's only a few blocks away)
they LOVE it!
and i like that we get home quickly without any whining
i love their happy faces
normally they sit but this time they stood
little crazies 
  i ran a couple miles on the treadmill yesterday
and then saw that eleanor had colored her entire body with these markers
(and later realized a few walls) 
so i confiscated her markers
and heard henry crying
so i was dripping sweat and took a picture
why not? 
 i let henry suck on a piece of watermelon during dinner last night
he loved it of course :) 
today we went and met the kids' teachers
they both seem nice
then tonight tami and ellie came to stay on their way to washington 
tami and i guessed olive and ellie would be great friends
and they are two peas in a pod
 plus they look like they could be sisters
such cute girls
it was so fun to have them here
thanks for visiting, tami!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Thank you for having us! It was so much fun!