August 30, 2014

date night!

michael and i finally found a girl in the ward to babysit
and finally planned a date for last night
here's the note michael wrote me in the morning
(he writes me notes every morning and it's my favorite thing)
he didn't have time to leave it in the morning so he texted it to me instead
 on our way out!
we drove michael's little car instead of the van so we could feel young and carefree :)
 we went to the sweet outdoor mall near our house called the village
and sat in the VIP section of the movie theater 
where you can order food from a real sit down restaurant and eat it while you watch the movie
we saw The Giver (it was so good!)
and ate mac & cheese, pulled pork sliders with fries,
 a salad and a slice of chocolate cake
it was super fun
we loved it
it was so nice to go out on a date
we even left henry with the sitter so it was just us 
i love spending time with michael
and not having to juggle five children at the same time
the sitter did great
so we'll definitely be going out again soon!


{natalie} said...

Love the note!

And yay for finding a babysitter :) that's the best!! You are so gorgeous!

Natalie Smith said...

you two are the cutest!

miriam said...

wait, you can have a teenager babysit your kids? ;)

Tami said...

that note is hilarious and it sounds like a super fun date!