April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

yesterday we went to the spanish fork easter egg hunt (just like last year)
it's a good one
 hazel got nervous right before it started and almost didn't participate (she's having a hard time lately)
but good thing she did, she won this sweet easter basket! 
noah and olive each won smaller prizes so they were happy, too
 we spent the rest of the day mostly at home and let michael work on his thesis defense 
then after the kids went to bed
(and after i threatened to cancel easter if they didn't go to sleep)
we set out their easter baskets
they were pretty happy with them when they woke up this morning

 before church we got them all dressed and took some pictures

 michael and the kiddies
 i stayed home from church with henry 
and got lunch ready and put the easter eggs out 
so the kids could hunt for them after church and lunch
 it turns out i shouldn't have put them out so early
because unlike washington where it's always cold on easter...
it's warm here and it warmed the chocolates up making a huge mess..oops!
 we put a little money in the eggs and the kids thought that was awesome
 me and sweet henry
today is the start to a CRAZY week
today is easter
monday michael defends his thesis
tuesday noah tests for a new belt at martial arts and michael does his last final
friday michael is GRADUATING!
saturday noah is getting baptized
and sunday michael is blessing henry!
it's going to be so crazy and busy!!!
and then we'll move a few weeks after that! 
wish us luck (especially michael for tomorrow!)


Marilou said...

Good luck with your CRAZY week!

andre'a said...

OMGoodness, you look SOOOO good! Just think: after tomorrow, you will be like helium balloons just floating. The job is his either way, they've already reviewed his paper and he's had help in his research, and the rest is meal planning. It'll be a great week, French! So much happening--never a dull moment. I love you!

miriam said...

yikes! good luck! when/where is noah's baptism? as of now i'll be in provo this weekend and i'm not sure what my plans are. i'd love to try and come! that picture of you and henry? LOVE it!!

Charlene said...

Good luck with everything!

Kate Clayton said...

We are so excited to see you guys this weekend! I'm sure Michael will do great today!

Debbie said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your sweet family :)

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Good luck with your crazy week! But at least it is all GOOD crazy! I am so glad you are almost done with school. It will be wonderful!

Natalie Smith said...

cute easter pics...and good luck this week!

April said...

So happy for you guys!!

Chelsea said...

Wow, hang in there and good luck to Michael! He'll do great! Miss you guys-

..and thanks for always commenting on my blog, you're so sweet.