March 27, 2014

a little more of our week

since everything's about to get all baby on here
i thought i'd post a few more pictures from our week
ps. i'm having a baby tomorrow!

cute hubby
 eleanor joined in
 after i had lots of contractions on monday, grandma and grandpa decided to come a day early
and got here wednesday
i'm so glad they did
 the kids love having them here
and it's given eleanor extra time to warm up
 plus, they are super helpful
i've hardly got off the couch since they've been here

 now i need some pictures of the kids with grandma...
sadly the show psych ended this week which was a bummer
but the finale was really good
i'm pretty worried about eleanor handling not being the baby anymore
she's been extra cuddly and a little grumpy 
but she's also cutting her two year molars 
 some extra cuddles before bed


andre'a said...

such pretty pretty pictures, Frenchie! Laif looks SOOOO happy! I love little Eleanor's sweet smiles. So happy she popped one of her molars. phew!

andre'a said...

not to add any pressure, but I'd love to see a pic of the babe.

andre'a said...

who dare? Henry dare?

Natalie Smith said...

Thoughts and prayers for your family today. cant wait to see pictures of henry.

{natalie} said...

I'm glad you got some couch time once your In-laws got here.

You are a great mama!