February 19, 2014

noah is a green belt!

noah tested for a new belt in martial arts yesterday
 and he passed!
i had to leave before he finished testing to set up for the cub scout blue and gold banquet
but michael took pictures and they stopped by the church building on their way home to show me

 noah and shea
noah has come a long way with martial arts
he's only been doing it a little over a year
and this is his 4th belt advancement
he started out really timid 
but he has gained a lot of confidence this last year
thanks to martial arts
we're so proud of him!


Shirley said...

Good job, Noah!

Natalie Smith said...

congrats noah!

andre'a said...

I feel like karate is such a good self-discipline and awareness primer. Good job, Noah! (and Mama--how else would he make it to all of those practices?!)