February 13, 2014


one of my favorite things to do every day
is open the door and watch the kids run home
they're almost always the first kids off the bus
and they race all the way inside
i am so grateful to be here when they get home
i wouldn't trade it for the world
olive and eleanor spent at least half an hour
playing in the laundry cart today
with the warm laundry
 cute girls
eleanor thinks henry's cradle is fun to play in
 i spent my morning making a valentine's day dress for hazel to wear tomorrow
 i have a mix of nesting and anxiety about moving
(we're having some trouble with our landlord that's stressing me)
so i've been washing slipcovers and organizing closets
i have not been at the top of my game recently
my pelvis/hips/back have been killing me
it's not super uncommon but it's like they have too much movement
and just kill most of the time
i'm trying to take it easy 
but that's easier said than done with four kids


andre'a said...

French, everything looks beautiful! You are the best mama. That little Eleanor...what a cutie! And Olive...I mean...what else is there to say??

andre'a said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you get spoiled. So exciting that you can count down -days- until baby H comes!

Natalie Smith said...

love your pillows. hope everything works out with housing....you don't need that stress.