November 17, 2013

early Christmas with grandma and grandpa olson

michael's parents were so sweet to bring us Christmas presents 
i'm not sure the kids could believe their luck getting presents so early!
they even got to help with the finishing touches, putting bows on
 cute olive wearing the dress i made hazel last year and holding her present
 noah is going to love every minute of this set
 cute girls with their grandma olson
 hazel and her new ballerina barbie
 we all watched noah excavate his stones and gems
it took a bit longer than we expected but he loved every minute of it
 he especially loved finding them :) 
those goggles are killing me!
 eleanor slept through most of the festivities 
so when she woke up (with angry eyebrows) we let her open her presents
 she got lots of can barely see her curly hair poking out here
thank you, thank you, thank you to michael's parents
who are so sweet and spoil us rotten when they come!


Natalie Smith said...

What a fun surprise! Such cute, excited kids!

Christie said...

I think this almost every time you post a picture - your girls are way too pretty! I hope Michael is already practicing the scary dad routine for when they are ready to date