October 10, 2013


the kids have fall break today and tomorrow
so we made big plans: bowling today, zoo tomorrow
we met michael on campus and bowled at his school

 bowling with a baby---impressive!
 i'll admit it, one of our fave parts of bowling is the fries!
 a bowling ball in my hands and my stomach
olive and eleanor fighting over the fan
 eleanor has never looked so grubby! she kept spitting candy out on herself
and she has three mosquito bites on her face (poor girl!)
 after years of abstaining from soda, noah has recently become a fan
he used to hate it! 
 bowling balls are kind of pretty all together
 i am literally the worst bowler in our family
even with bumpers

it was so much fun
the older the kids get, the more fun outings like these are
all three kids are getting really good at bowling
noah didn't use the ramp at all
hazel got a spare and olive and noah each got a strike and a spare
noah bowled with a 16lb ball for most of his turns
and olive even used it once, too
we couldn't believe she could carry it! 
i love this little family of mine


Shirley said...

What fun! What a great family you have.

Natalie Smith said...

i love bowling with kids. it is so low-key and fun! cute family you have.