September 12, 2013

my parents came for a visit!

my parents stopped in Utah for a quick visit
we loooooved seeing them
it had been too long
we were all surprised that eleanor warmed up to my dad so quickly
 they were all so happy squishing grandpa
 me and my mom
 happy girl
 we tried to get a picture of me, my mom and olive because we all look so much alike
but olive had just got hurt outside and didn't feel up to it
 later she thought she was clever wearing grandpa's hat
it was a super short visit but i am sooo glad we got to see my parents
i have missed them so much


Whitney said...

In the first pic, Hazel looks a lot like your dad...without the hairy face. :) Glad they could visit!

Shirley said...

Glad your parents could visit.

Natalie Smith said...

Family is always a treat!

The Asay's said...

You really do look just like your mom. Yay for having your parents come. I always love when we have visitors

andre'a said...

heart ache! ouch! it looks sooo perfect. sure miss them.