July 4, 2013

4th of july

we started our day by going to the provo parade
it's a pretty big deal and we were lucky enough to find decent seats
and have some friends join us 

 we are so grateful eleanor is feeling better today

 it was such a cool parade
there was no candy which the kids weren't thrilled about
but it was really patriotic and we liked that
 only in utah :) 

then we ate cafe rio, went to scheels and ikea 
then came home and put the little girls to bed and started the night with pop-its
when some of our friends drove by and we invited them over
we had an impromptu party
with chips and salsa, fruit wands, mini tacos, watermelon, lemonade
and brownie sundaes for dessert
 michael and trent had fun lighting fireworks together
 hazel and her best friend lily 
 hazel loved dancing with the sparklers

michael and i agree it was one of the best 4th of julys we've ever had
thanks for coming over, mcneils! 
and thank you olive and eleanor for sleeping through the festivities this evening!!

1 comment:

Natalie Smith said...

looks like a great day. I love the missionaries in the parade....so fun for them.
you all looked adorable in your red, white and blue!