April 14, 2013

noah is seven!

noah's first birthday
on our wedding day
visiting grandma and grandpa kelly's 
holding hazel
noah is definitely not a toddler anymore
he is seven today
where did  the time go? 
singing the hymns at church a few weeks ago
(it was so sweet i had to sneak a pic during sacrament meeting)
he is the loudest singer, it's my favorite
opening his presents yesterday
we got him a new (used) bike, a hat, and lots of legos
today on his actual birthday we tried waking him up with singing 
but he hated it and told us to stop...so we did
then i quickly made us bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast since we have 9:00 church
after church he wanted to play with some of his new presents
so he and the girls had a water fight and blew bubbles
  for dinner i made his favorite lasagna
and we had strawberry lemonade, breadsticks and honeydew
he said it was the best birthday dinner ever

his birthday cake was mostly eaten yesterday and then it fell off the cake plate
i was too tired to make a new one so instead we had cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate
as a special birthday dessert instead
and we sung to him
a few things about noah right now
he looooves legos-especially ninjagos
he loves school, martial arts and playing with the neighbor kids
he loves to be at home and likes to be healthy
he's a super nice big brother...when he's not fighting with his sisters :)
he stays up late reading for hours every night
usually about animals or legos
he still loves to be in pajamas all day (i was sure he'd outgrow it by now...)
he loves scripture stories and jumping on the trampoline
he asks lots of questions about the church, wants to make good choices
and is gaining his own testimony of Jesus Christ

happy birthday, noah! 


Janet said...

Happy Birthday Noah! I love Lasagna and cinnamon rolls too. You sound like David, he also LOVES legos and Ninjago. We have watched all the Ninjago episodes. See you this summer!

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday. Looks like you had lots of fun.

Marie said...

So I love baby Noah in a tux...so cute!! Happy birthday to Noah!

Natalie Smith said...

He is the cutest!!! Happy Birthday!

Cisneros Family said...

Such a cute boy! Sounds like his birthday was awesome!