April 28, 2013

from the phone: the last few days

olive finally decided to go to tap class again
after a long hiatus caused by falling down the stairs on her way to class a couple months ago
i rewarded her with ice cream 
 we went out to dinner to the art city trolley a couple nights ago
that place is so delicious! 
i love all these kids even if it makes going out to eat a little crazy
 michael took friday off to celebrate the end of the semester
and we went to slc 
here are us girls trying on sunglasses at nordstrom
notice olive isn't wearing shoes...
 out to lunch
michael is such a cute walrus
 noah and hazel got to go to a fun birthday party
hazel looked so cute with her face painted
 we also went to the ward fiesta
here's michael hitting the pinata
 here's a picture from our trip to the zoo
i love that after 5 years our stroller is still going strong
and occasionally holds three of our kids at a time
 today at church eleanor was being so grumpy
so we were walking the halls
and when she spotted michael sitting in his class in primary
she had to go say hi :) 
 after church today the kids made us a fiesta outside
we all sat under the decorated trampoline 
and colored
and a few more things i don't want to forget:
noah has got 100% on almost every spelling test this year
olive is completely potty trained, even at night
eleanor started walking this last week
she's not a fluent walker but she's taking steps
hazel taught herself how to whistle this week


Shirley said...

I love all your pictures! What a fun family you are!

Natalie Smith said...

so many accomplishments for your family!!! Exciting!