February 14, 2013

the rest of our valentine's day

noah had martial arts and afterward we went out to dinner 
to the art city trolley
it was way good
ps. how cute is my valentine?! 
michael normally wears glasses like 99% of the time
but i am really enjoying his blue eyes without them
 hey there's me!
the stressed out mom who just wanted to go home 
because i was in a bad mood
but luckily it went away by the time we ate....maybe i was just hungry?
 eleanor ate so much food!
olive being cheesy
i'm pretty sure she didn't touch her mac and cheese
and instead dipped chips in fry sauce for dinner.. oh and stuck her hands in my dr pepper a bunch
 cutie pants hazel
noah was even grumpier than i was 
until he ate....
it runs in the family
and i love this chris farley-esk smile
i wouldn't say it was our most romantic valentines day ever..
but it was actually a really fun dinner out
and you want to know what's making my heart all a flutter?
(aside from my darling husband!)
a sister in our ward posted these for free on facebook
and michael is picking them up right now
i am IN LOVE!!!!
then michael and i will do our usual watch tv/drink slurpees awesomeness
i love him more than anything in the whole wide world
he is my very favorite
happy valentines day!!!


Marilou said...

-Hangry, right?
-Love Eleanor's curls!
-and Olive in all her 2 1/2 year-old glory. They grow up so fast...but some stages seem to last FOR-EV-ER.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Eleanor's hair is SO curly, in the first picture!
Also, are you leaving the settee and chairs as is, or do you have plans for them?

Natalie Smith said...

our day started grumpy too, but ended on a happy note. Cute family. Busy "lovey" day!

Kristin said...

I just got all caught up on your blog... What a cute family! We really need to get our kiddos together!

miriam said...

who needs romance on valentine's day? yay for family dates!

andre'a said...

French! I LOVE the braid! So beautiful!