February 22, 2013

crazy about birthdays

i woke up suddenly the other day
in a panic because i realized olive's golden birthday is in a few months
she'll be 3 on the 3rd
and since this is her only golden birthday, it has to be super special
(for the record, michael does not support the celebration of golden birthdays
mostly because he's bitter he found out about them years after his had passed...i still care a lot)
i immediately ordered a golden mylar balloon in the shape of a 3
for olive's special day
then i realized i need to start planning noah and eleanor's birthdays that are in april
eleanor's won't be too extravagant since it's her first
but it'll still need to be special
noah's birthday on the other hand needs to be awesome
because last year he got jipped
eleanor was only 10 days old and there wasn't much celebrating for him
so this year is going to be awesome
and i've already made the invitations
and booked the entertainment
hazel wants me to start planning her birthday, too
which will be awesome, too
because 5 feels like a big deal to me
but i'm putting her on the back burner for now
since there are three birthdays and 3 months until hers
for now, she wants a cinderella ball
which will be fun
eleanor was sick in the hospital for michael's birthday last year
so i feel like his birthday needs some making up, too

am i the only one who stresses this much over birthdays?
i just feel like birthdays and holidays are so important
it turns out it's part of my personality according to this test
it's only one day a year to celebrate a person
so it has to be awesome
and since i'm the mom, i feel fully responsible

image from here

ps. nothing new with hazel, unless we're talking about the pattern of her hives..


Marzipan said...

Same here...I love celebrating birthdays and go all out whether or not the kid will ever remember it :)

Plus, like you said, if I don't plan it and make it awesome, who will?

Natalie Smith said...

I am the same way...my mind is always in holiday and celebrating mode. It makes life so fun...and everyone deserves it!

Ashley said...

I am totally the same way! I've already decided what I am going to do for my bday- and it's not until May. I think I just love any reason for a party and bringing people together. Thank you for helping me realize I'm not the only one! I can't wait to see the pics of the amazing parties you're planning!!!