November 29, 2012

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

i'm normally the decorate the day after thanksgiving type
but this was my first year hosting thanksgiving
which, turns out, is a bit of work
so i'm a little behind schedule
oh well
here's our tree!!!
it smells so good and it's really tall and pretty
we really like it
(i swear eleanor likes to sun herself. she always finds it)
i made a little gallery wall 
rather than finding a place for each of these
and since we don't have a mantle...i bought hooks
kind of lame but oh well
i might cover them with ribbon bows or something

 here's the other side of the room
with the magnolia garland and noel letters
 i love the magnolia garland that we inherited from my sister
when she moved to boston and didn't have room for it
 i am planning on making more of these little cone trees
but for now i like them hanging out on the end table
here's the tree all lit up at night
 and the house! i'm so excited that we have a house to put Christmas lights on!!
it's my first time ever
my dad never once put them up and we've always been in an apartment until now
sadly we don't have a ladder so the top didn't get done..
that'll probably have to wait until we own a house
but it worked well enough for michael to use the garbage can 
and a chair/stool combo for this year :) 
 noah requested a picture in front of the tree
(don't mind his wet shirt, he'd just brushed his teeth)
 hazel's always up for posing, too 


Unknown said...

Love the way your tree turned out - you did a great job! I love the smell of Christmas trees, the smell of holidays!YUMM

Thanks for visiting my site, following you now.
Xo Amy,

Marilou said...

Yay for Christmas! For decorations, and for having a house to hang lights on! (And also thanks for posting your decor...I had totally forgotten about those Noel letter, so I just went and put them up :) )

losaway said...

so cute pics!
love your christmas decoration

The Asay's said...

Love your big tree. We just have a little charlie brown tree. Can't wait to have space someday to have a big tree. Fun decor!

Natalie Smith said...

We are on the same schedule as you. Everything looks great. I love the noel over the mirror. I might have to do this!