November 26, 2012

i'm becoming a closet runner

since i was a teenager i've run off and on
i never really liked it until 
a year and a half ago or so
when i started doing longer distances
but i like running for weight loss either way
i don't mind running outside
but i don't really want to haul three kids with me
or wait until night when it's dark
so a treadmill seems like the best option
my sweet parents were kind enough to not only bring us a trampoline
but a treadmill, too
 i've lost a bit of weight since having eleanor 
but i'd like to lose more
and fit my clothes better
oh, and hopefully do something about this stretched out stomach
that seems beyond repair after 4 kids
ok, it wasn't 4 kids that did it
it was eleanor being HUGE and late that did it
but either way
i look pregnant and i'm not
i'd like it gone, please
 and since i can't stand staring at a piece of exercise equipment all day
we turned the kids toy closet
into my treadmill closet
which is actually just the under the stairs closet
for now i'm just going to ease back in to running
and hopefully be pretty consistent
and in a few months i'll work on distances
on the treadmill and outside
and do another half marathon this next spring or summer
it has been a little bit of a rough road since having eleanor
four kids, plus a husband in school, moving a few states away, 
eleanor's milk allergy, and olive being crazy
so i haven't worried about losing weight much yet
but i'm ready


leighmichellec said...

Good for you!
I need to get a treadmill to...
Good luck to you- YOU CAN DO IT!


Good luck girl, I know you can do this. Please share your progress with us, as I need the motivation!!


miriam said...

wahoo! you are awesome. since having michaela I've been wanting to work out, but I'm pretty sure that will end once I hit 6 weeks. good luck! and make sure to blame the elevation for it being hard ;)

Maria said...

4 kids- wow you are a rockstar!!!

Unknown said...

Great goals! I used to run 2-5 miles a day, but when I moved to 7,500ft elevation I stopped due to lack of air...I really should start again but putting it off is so easy (blame it on the elevation)! When I did run, I found that doing yoga some on the side helped a ton with my breathing while running. Good luck, I hope you kill that half-marathon :)


Unknown said...

That's awesome! Good for you for getting so healthy!!! <3

xoxo Bree
The Urban Umbrella