October 23, 2012

michael is my hero

he took all four kids for a few hours
grocery shopping no less
so i could relax
and not clean this
(though i eventually did before they got back)
and not finish this (noah's costume i'm sewing at the kitchen table)
 and instead go take a super hot bath
which i haven't done for ages because
a) i only have time for showers
b) i rarely shower or bath period (i'm gross, i know)
c) everytime i shower lately olive insists on joining me (fun for her, not for me)

i couldn't believe michael offered to do it
or that they were gone so long
or that the kids all came home so happy
he is amazing
like, really and truly
and not just for this
but in general he is the best husband
and treats me so well

in other new/related news
eleanor seems to have reflux from her new formula
i'm taking her in to talk to her doctor tomorrow
but since day one on elecare
she has been in pain every time she burps or spits up
and she is having a really hard time sleeping
she wakes up screaming all night long
poor baby (and poor michael...and me)
i don't do well on less than enough sleep
and it's extra shocking to the system since until recently
she was sleeping through the night
 i'm hoping we can get her some medication to help
especially since we don't want to mess with her formula
once it finally seems "settled" 


The Asay's said...

How sweet of Michael. Sure hope they can figure things out for cute little Eleanor

Shirley said...

Michael is a great guy. I am glad you had some time for you. I do hope Eleanor's problem will be solved soon.

Kate Clayton said...

You got a good one! That's for sure. Michael is amazing but then again...So are you! Poor Eleanor. I hope you guys figure things out soon. I hate not getting enough sleep, it makes me feel a little crazy.

andre'a said...

so sorry about the reflux. French, I don't know how you do what you do. Even if it's a crazy experience for Michael, you needed that time alone to do nothing for a bit. And you need more of it!!!!