October 29, 2012


 hazel and i painted pumpkins, eleanor slept through the night which made me super happy
michael and eleanor dancing, hazel being spoooooky
hazel eating a healthy snack : ), our to dinner as a family to pier 29 pizza
i finally started ironing like a good wife, eleanor is learning to climb the stairs
ready for church (about to wake up olive), eleanor in the woombie
she loves fake sneezes, wresting with their dad


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Okay, two things: 1) I love Eleanor's little footless tights! Where did you get them? And 2) I also relaly like your entertainment center, and want to know where you got that too. You have such great taste!

Rachael said...

Brianne, the footless tights I bought at a boutique in Pullman but you can get them online for around $10 if you search for footless lace tights. Our entertainment center is Crate and Barrel from craigslist with baskets in the center from target.

The Asay's said...

I love Eleanor's footless lace tights too. So adorable.

Laurel said...

I love random posts! That's a super cute picture of you and Eleanor.