October 31, 2012

halloween recap

what a day, what a day
wednesdays are already crazy around here
with the kids school schedules, i'm running around a lot
so today was even more
but the kids had lots of fun and that's what's important

the kids went to school
i went to noah's costume parade
the kids did lots of trick or treating
we ate pumpkin shaped pizza
and way too much candy

eleanor wore a skeleton outfit all day
and then took a really late nap all evening
so she didn't get dressed up
oh well :)

i hope everyone had a super fun halloween!


The Asay's said...

Hazel and Olive look so cute. Olive looks so big. Glad you guys had a great Halloween.

Natalie Smith said...

Hazel looked beautiful with her hair like that.
The candy eating hasnt stopped here! I need to get it out! haha