September 17, 2012


according to michael's phone
first michael woke up in a panic that he'd forgotten to turn in an assignment
so he took noah and hazel with him to turn it in
bright and early
they're in front of his desk
 eleanor lounging on our bed
 quick trip to old navy where they were doing a safety fair
 then to springville heritage days
where olive got in the fountain fully dressed
and soaked herself
 we listened to some bluegrass and the kids danced
 happy birthday springville
and hazel colored in the pattern on the floor with crayons
i should probably try to clean that off soon..
she's just so darn artistic 


Shirley said...

What great family things to do. Nice pattern by Hazel.

Natalie Smith said...

oh...the floor art is something I wouldn't be surprised to find Rylee had done for our home!!!