September 20, 2012

stenciled pillows

i've had an itch to be creative 
and decorate our house since we've moved in
i decided to experiment on some pillow cases i made a while ago
that were plain white/cream
first (on the right) i tried taping and painting light lines
but it didn't "go" as well with our living room as i was hoping
then i remembered i have a stencil from a thrift store
that i've wanted to use for a while
so i traced it on to the other pillow case
and the back of the one i'd painted blue lines on

i first used a pencil to trace the stencil
then went over them with a navy blue fabric marker
 here they are on the couch
now just a few more steps and i'll be "done" with our living room


Marie said...

So cute!!

Laurel said...

Love it! You are so crafty!

Natalie Smith said...

these look so great!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

They look great! Now you're making me want to redo my pillows!! :D