August 24, 2012

potty training olive

i decided on a whim to potty train olive this week
she is 25 months old which is a lot younger than her siblings when they potty trained
 but she has shown signs of readiness for a couple months
and now we've moved and school started, it seems to be the right time
plus she has two really good examples of what to do
i read this how-to and it gave me confidence to try
she is amazing us!
we are on day four
and it seems to have clicked day two
she is mad that we make her sleep at night in a diaper
and she's been dry the last two mornings!
she has had minimal accidents
she is loving the optional clothing
and we are so excited for how well she's doing
she also really enjoys this book
just like hazel did while potty training
it's fun having a lot of kids because they really support each other
noah and hazel have given olive lots of praise 
and are so excited for her potty training


Natalie Smith said...

big project for you! i hope she picks up on it quickly. she is adorable!

miriam said...

Sidney has shown readiness for a while now. I'm the one dragging! I'll check out the links you posted, see if it gives me the boost I need to do it! Clicking day 2? Go Olive! And going to buy panties gives me an excuse to go on a shopping trip!

The Asay's said...

That's great that things have clicked for Olive. I hope it goes that smoothly with Ian when the time comes.

Monica said...

Rachie, I can't believe it! If she could send Hal's some of that readiness, it would be much appreciated.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

That is awesome! I hope she continues to do well, and her hair is really long, jealous.
I also love Hazel's hair, she looks so cute and very grown up.