May 17, 2012

so happy

sweet eleanor is doing so much better
i couldn't be happier
she is smiling again
eating again
sleeping again
her skin is looking more normal
she is ok not being held constantly
this has been such a long week
i'm so glad she's feeling better
the roseola is about gone
and she's being prescribed antibiotics
because there was bacteria in her urine
but they think it may have been caused by the catheter
and not an infection
so the antibiotics are just to be safe
i had my six week check up today
which seemed crazy because this week alone
has felt so long
my poor eleanor has gone through so much
in her first six weeks of life
here's to hoping things are a lot less eventful from now on
i'm so grateful for all of your prayers and concern
thank you!


Shirley said...

I am so happy that Eleanor is doing better. What a hard time that was for you and your family. That is such an adorable picture. She looks so peaceful.

Ben said...

So happy Rach! We have been so worried! I bet you at exhausted!!! So sorry you had to go through that. Love, ben and tawn

Natalie Smith said...

Wonderful news. Eleanor looks so peaceful and content!

andre'a said...

oh Frenchie. what a perfect outcome from a scary/traumatizing week. here's to a much better week ahead! sure love you...

miriam said...

yay!!! I am so happy too, but probably nowhere near as happy as you :)

Kirsten said...

I'm glad she's feeling better! It's so hard when they're not feeling well, especially when you don't know why.

Erin said...

Phew! I'm so glad she's feeling better! What a trooper you both are!

Marie said...

So glad little Eleanor is feeling better! That is just way too scary! She is darling:)