April 18, 2012

two weeks

 some things to record about our two week old eleanor
first of all
we think she's swell-eanor
the kids still ask to hold her
every chance they get
eleanor has slept in bed with us since we got home from the hospital
we've never had a baby in our bed before
but it's definitely her preference
we'll see how long it lasts
she also prefers napping in the living room
in either her car seat or swing
i think she likes the noise
she is really easy going
noah has called her ella since she was just a couple days old
michael and i decided if we nicknamed her, it would be ella
but we aren't really nickname sorts of people
so we've stuck with eleanor
and noah calls her ella himself
which i think is pretty darling
hazel noticed, "that baby sure likes breast milk"
and is happy to be my helper holding her, getting a diaper, etc.
olive is kind of a maniac lately
which is attributed to the fact that she's nearly two
and also she just doesn't get 
the whole soft, gentle, quiet thing around eleanor
but luckily she's not jealous so that's good
now that noah is six we no longer have 4 kids 5 and under
we currently have kids ages 6, 3, 1, and 2 weeks
michael and i agree we feel like we have one extra ball
in our juggling act as parents
i feel a little overwhelmed unless 
olive is napping or noah is at school
three i can handle, four is a little much 
our sweet friends and family have taken care of dinner so far
today's my first day of making our dinner
and it's already in the crockpot
slowly but surely i'll get the hang of this thing
called motherhood
of four


The Asay's said...

That's so cute that Noah calls her Ella. Eleanor is so sweet. Your amazing!

Kate Clayton said...

The fact that you were out of your house is amazing to me. You guys are awesome! The baby is beautiful!

Ryan said...

Get her out of your bed!!! If you don't soon, you never will. We're trying to get Halea out of ours.
She sure is precious though, so I can see how you would let her.

Aimee said...

You are an amazing mom! I am so proud of you and your growing family! You are truly blessed :)

Erin said...

You are amazing! I don't know how you do it! She is seriously cute! I think she looks a little like Hazel.

Natalie Smith said...

I am glad you were honest about juggling the babies and adapting to being a mommy of 4. It's good to know.
Sounds like you are all enjoying your sweet baby girl.

Marilou said...

I think the only reason I feel like the adjustment to 4 was easier than to 3 is because we never had the adjustment to 2. It will get better as you figure out what activities are important to keep in and what can fall out of your lives. (Unfortunately cleaning the house seems to be something that fell out of my life...I need to work on that one!)