February 9, 2012

oh, baby olive

where have you gone?
and why didn't we get you into baby modeling?


andre'a said...

seriously! French, everywhere you've gone you're always complimented about her. I don't know if she'd like/appreciate separation from you too much but it'd be worth a try. Darling Olive.

Monica said...

It's so true! There's still time.

Monica said...

I feel like I've been missing so much on your blog. I'm glad to be caught up now. Whew!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

You went private! I was starting to worry, that you had the baby! Good thing I clicked on your blog today, just to check it ;) I love the thrifted dress you found! I have such a horrible itch, to go thrifting... but I can't, until we're in an actual place.
And I like your note, to your future pregnant self. I'm trying for a VBAC, so I had to go in and listen to the risks, and give my consent. But honestly, when the doctor told me I could schedule a c-section at 38-39 weeks, it sounded SO tempting! LOL now I'm just hoping she comes on her own, around that time! X}

Laurel said...

So true! She is such a beautiful girl!

Marie said...

I agree. She is so stinkin adorable!! I love that girl.

Charlene said...

Such a doll. She is such a lucky girl to have so much dark hair!