February 6, 2012

33 weeks and a note to my future (more pregnant) self

despite how uncomfortable you may feel, 
how swollen you are, 
you do not want a c-section
you want a natural birth
not just a vaginal birth, a natural one
 you know this is possible, you've done it before
this does not have to be important to anyone else
 your due date is not a deadline
 c-sections are much harder to recover from than vaginal deliveries
 you do not want an unnecessary surgery
 your body will have this baby naturally, it knows what to do
 be patient
 you want to be able to hold your children after their new baby sister comes,
 to give them extra love as they may feel misplaced or unsure
 unlike the last time you had a natural delivery, you are not alone
 you have a husband who will support you in a medication free delivery
 you do not need to have your baby because of anyone's timetable except yours
no matter what, 
labor is only one day of your life


andre'a said...

oh French, such beautiful sentiments! It's all so true--being able to hold the big kids, recover more quickly, everything. I'm so excited for you! Are you really swelling now?

Erin said...

You can do it Rachael!