January 20, 2012

a couple of things i don't want to forget

noah had a realization the other day and said, 
"mom, you're going to feed the baby with your privates"
i just responded, "yep"

hazel tells me several times a day that we're,
"best friends FOREVER!"
and then she cuddles up real close
so we can have a little moment

noah does not like his hair to stick up
but the poor boy has a lot of cowlicks
so i try to keep it short for him
the other day he told me his great idea,
that we could just cut it every day
like mr. moore (his principal)
who is completely bald

olive has only gone to speech for a few weeks
but she's already improving so much
she's saying, "diaper, blanket, yeah, bye bye, balloon, hot dog, night night, Daaa!, popcorn, got it"

the other night i got mad at hazel while putting the kids to bed
and she cried, she's a little sensitive
(like her mother)
and doesn't like being in trouble
i finally convinced her to say her prayer
and she prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for her mom
i was touched and humbled

that same night after the kids had been in bed for 20 or 30 minutes
i heard noah laughing and thought, "those bums are playing!"
but no
hazel was sound asleep
and noah was recounting an episode of pink panther
to himself and cracking up really hard
it was really funny

we have pretty much a whole new living room
since we bought a new couch and tv stand this last week
and michael and i keep talking about how
grown up we are
like our furniture determines our maturity : )


Unknown said...

Love this post:)

leighmichellec said...

I agree with carrie!

Laurel said...

That first one made me laugh out loud. :)