December 4, 2011

michael's sick

really sick
since the day we came home from
a week and a half ago
he's been to the student wellness center
and the ER
but no one is sure what's wrong
it's lasted too long to be a virus
(he is waiting on some test results)
he can't sleep at night
and his stomach just keeps cramping
poor michael
get better soon
life sucks when you're sick


Monica said...

That's so sad. I'm sorry he isn't feeling well.

Erin said...

Yuck! I hope he feels better soon!

Kate Clayton said...

I'm so sorry Rachael! That is horrible. I hope he gets better soon.

leighmichellec said...

Oh no- Sick Husbands----Yikes! I hope he feels better!

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Hopefully they can figure out what is going on soon so he can get better. Let me know if there is anything at all we can do to help you guys out!