October 25, 2011

not great

monday morning was like any other morning
and, though we were tired from traveling,
we hurried and got noah on the bus
only to have the school call 45 minutes later
and ask us to pick him up since there is no school 
for kindergartners all week due to conferences
which i knew
but i'm spacey when i'm pregnant
and never know the date
noah was mad at us until we told him
he didn't have school all week
then he was super happy
but we still suck

today hazel had ballet
and they could wear their halloween costumes
just for fun
but of course, i forgot
hazel had to wear regular ballet clothes
and wonder why the other girls were dressed up
poor girl

also today
i was popping pop corn
for the kids
about to unplug the popcorn popper
when a kernel flew down my shirt
yep, in my cleavage
a burning hot kernel
it was almost impossible to get it out
without burning myself worse

needless to say this is not my week
i was not planning on having noah home from school
since in my mind that was still a week away
3 kids at home all day is harder than 
it used to be
 and i'm a little sad
to be constantly letting my kids down
i hope the rest of the week improves.. 


Janelle said...

Oh Racheal, I hope your week turns around. Those are the worst!

Heather Lively said...

Boo. That sounds like a rough week.And its only Tuesday! But it can only get better, right?!

Natalie Smith said...

I love that you recorded this. It will make you chuckle later...hey! Maybe even by next week :-)

Ben said...

I think we have all done everything you have said. I know I have!!! Except maybe the popcorn down the shirt. OUCH!!! I'm pretty sure I wasn't pregnant either! Nobody is perfect all the time. You are just perfect most of the time.

Shirley said...

We all have those kind of days. Don't let it get you down. Things just happen in all our lives.

chelseyandmatt said...

You are an awesome mom---I can barely handle 2!! You've got 3 at home AND are pregnant! I hope your week has gotten better!!

lilibet said...

I'm sorry! If it makes you feel better, my daughter just tripped on her way to school because I told her we didn't have time to put on her coat and that we had to run to get to her class on time ... then she tripped on her coat while she was running. :( That's way worse than just forgetting stuff. When I'm pregnant, I can't remember where I'm driving to, so it can't be that uncommon. Just remember that kids forgive you more easily than you forgive yourself. Until they're teenagers.

Unknown said...

It can only look up from here. Your kids will forgive you, now just forgive yourself. You are a great mom, always remember that. Not many people can do what you do everyday.

miriam said...

seems like all the only reason there have been problems is because you do so much fun stuff with your family! I say keep it up. but maybe that's because I'm not the one going through it... ;o)

andre'a said...

I guess you could say you had a burning in your bosom. (I'm sorry...I just thought it up and thought it would be witty). Sorry, French. Love you!

Laurel said...

Sorry things have been so rough! I hope they get better soon. You're amazing!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Hang in there! The week is half over and you are a rockstar. Your kids are so lucky to have YOU!