August 16, 2011


i don't know what's happened
but lately i've been all sorts of sentimental
there are a lot of changes coming up
and for the first time in a long time
i am not welcoming them
i used to want to up and leave all the time
let's move to new york, or california
let's go!
i would ask michael to go to grad school
somewhere far away
so we could have a new experience
but now i just want things to stay the same
is that weird?
i don't know
noah is about to start kindergarten next week
is that even possible?
and part of me is so happy and excited for him
but the other part of me can't help but worry
and be scared for him
i fear he won't like riding the bus
or someone will be mean to him
or he'll learn something he shouldn't
or i'll miss him
and hazel will miss him
and michael is about to start school again
finally his senior year
which makes me sad that summer is ending
and we'll have so much less time together
and he will be stressed with homework
and tests
hazel's on the wait list for preschool this year
that would probably be really positive
but we don't know if she'll be in or not
i am so excited to be having our 4th baby
but of course things will be different again
and is it a boy or a girl?
what will we name it?
where will we put it, in our 3 bedroom apt?
plus, who knows where michael will get his masters?
will we stay, will we move?
so many changes
and to top it off we were thinking it was time
to switch out of our student stake
and move to a family ward
because noah is hitting the age cut-off next april
and everyone else seemed to move out his age
but i think i decided i can't handle that change quite yet
we'll stick it out this next year
and hope other kids are still there with him
just too many changes!

i know i shouldn't worry
it'll all work out


Natalie Smith said...

It will all work out! I go through those cycles a lot. I crave change and adventure and then...reality! I love my life and don't want to be forced to change.

I think it is the hormones ;) Mommy hormones kick in strong and it takes over. You are a good mommy and all of those fears are SO NORMAL!

Kate Clayton said...

I selfishly don't want you guys to switch wards. I would be so bummed. I know we would still see you, but the thought of it makes me sad. Hold out for one more year! (plus it's our last year too)

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

It will all work out, it's true. And it will all work out in a way that is really awesome for your family, too. I am soooo glad you aren't changing wards quite yet. And I really really hope Michael goes to grad school here! Maybe I'm a little selfish, but Pullman without the Olsons seems a little terrible.

Ben said...

Go to the University of Texas!!!!! We would love it!!!

Monica said...

I hate it when men blame my "sudden moodiness" on my hormones, but maybe coming from your sister, it may not be so awful. I think your hormones along with all of the wonderful changes are making you a little more sensitive to everything that's going on (it is a lot)

Noah will do great in school! He will learn things that he will take with him for the rest of his life (even if someone is mean to him, he will learn coping skills ~ too many people missed out on that and are now adults without coping skills:(

Not knowing exactly how your future is going to be can take a lot of faith to proceed with the journey ~ and that's what it's all about.

Love You!

Unknown said...

Exciting!!! Congratulations on #4!!!!! Change is definitely rough, but always good, right? You have such beautiful kids. I'm excited to see what this one will look like.

Shirley said...

Yes, changes are a part of life. Also hormones are making your life a little difficult right now but it will all work out.

Youngs said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! girlfriend you are a powerhouse and no change is going to keep you from being awesome, it's just not possible!

andre'a said...

French, of COURSE it will all work out! It always does. And I think it's normal to want to hunker down and know some things for sure when other life changes happen. I just love you!

Jessica from said...

Congrats on the new addition coming!! I can totally understand all that uncertainty. It's hard t make those changes, but just remember that someone has your back, and best intentions already in the works for ya!!
It'll all work out, but I wish peace for you until it's all figured out!!