June 21, 2011

it's officially summer

so we did the most appropriate thing to celebrate
we went to the water park!
 i love this happy look on noah's face
he'd just gone down the frog slide
 michael did a flip off the diving board 
per noah's request
 i love my new sun hat
what was that?
you wanted another view?
cute hazel faye
olive was ok sitting in the water
but all she really wanted to do was 
climb all over the beach chairs

i'm so glad summer is here!!


Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Super cute hat! Perfect accessory! Hehe what a good daddy, doing flips for the kids! LOVE the water park :D

Ben said...

You are always the cutest anywhere you go!!!

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Love it! That was a pretty good use of an afternoon/evening! And I am loving your sun hat even more now with your cute pictures! I definitely need one. Also, it occurred to me that when you asked my favorite type of pizza you probably meant where from, not what kind. Is it awkward that I am bringing it up again? Here on your blog? Probably Papa John's though. Not to be confused with Papa Murphy's. There is a BIG difference.

Monica said...

I didn't know you guys have a water park. How Fun!!! Your new hat is really cute, so is your suit. There's something about water that makes kid so happy!

The Asay's said...

Yahoo for summer! I want to go to the water park.

Natalie Smith said...

I want a hat like that. You are a doll face!

Laurel said...

That sounds so fun! Love your hat and suit!

Anonymous said...

hoo-doggy! hot mama!