April 25, 2011


all day i thought my hubby looked so cute
all day long
i just thought he was having a good hair day
or something
or that i was just being sweet
and extra affectionate
i don't know
it wasn't until 
this evening
when he told me we need to buy
more contact solution
that i realized he was wearing contacts
..and that's why he looked so good
turns out, our 5 year old even noticed
...this morning...


Monica said...

That is hilarious! Sometimes it just takes a subtle change to spice things up.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Oh man. That is too funny! X} At least it was a change you liked - even though it took all day for you to notice.... ;)

andre'a said...

that is SO funny!

andre'a said...

sometimes I ask James, "Do you notice anything different about me?" And he fumbles, fumbles, fumbles. And normally he can't see anything different. (um. hello! my eyelashes are curled?! I parted my hair differently? I brushed my hair today?!)