December 22, 2010

seattle science center

we just got home from a trip to seattle
we did a lot while we were there
first stop was the seattle science center
which was free since we bought a pass
to the pullman science center
and was fun
since michael and i hadn't been since
elementary school

the kids loved it

then afterward, while we were waiting for the monorail,
we let the kids go on a ride
when he was two
maybe it's an olson family right of passage?


Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Aww super fun - I love discovery and science museums!! :)
LOL poor Hazel... but it's a pretty adorable pic regardless!

lilibet said...

That is so fun! I totally get being terrified of that ride. Sad little Hazel. :)

miriam said...

I love the science center. We always had passes growing up.
I laughed so hard at the picture of Noah and Hazel on the ride. Priceless. Poor Hazel.