November 7, 2010

this week we...

went to spokane for kids dentists appointments

all had the flu (not fun)

started watching tv again (don't judge)

pulled noah out of preschool to keep him home for the rest of the year (lots of reasons behind this one)

spent our saturday in lewiston (go costco!)

bought noah and hazel each a goldfish
noah's is named jack in the box (like the toy)
and hazel's is named fruit snacks (like the food she was eating when we asked her to name her fish)


Kirsten said...

After having the flu - I can totally see why TV may have come back. Do you mind sharing your reasons why you took Noah out?

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Okay now i am interested in the explanations behind all those tidbits. And as for the TV. I am DEFINITELY impressed that you made it a week. Sometimes I try to enforce a no TV day and end up giving in once i have to make dinner. You are awesome!

Erin said...

What a week! I'm glad you guys are feeling better.

Laurel said...

I am impressed with the fish names. Your kids are way too funny!

Monica said...

WOW! What a busy week. I can't believe we didn't get to talk much about it yesterday. We need to talk more. Call me!

Garrett and Valerie Isham said...

you guys have such a fun life!(except the getting sick part) i loved stopping by tonight even though it was a super short visit. you have such a wonderful family. we will have to get together again soon, for longer next time haha

andre'a said...

i liked the "don't judge." You are so funny! we're becoming George-aholics. Whenever there's a down moment, it's "George" time. Love you!

Christie said...

I am also interested in the taking Noah out of preschool story... unless it's personal. only because I am planning to homeschool my kids and I'm wondering if you are too?

amy welch said...

Rachel, I wanted to let you know that I've decided to start a blog about my preschool. Basically a recap of each day with ideas and suggestions. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you the info. as soon as I get it up and running. It should be pretty cool. I thought you after reading the comment about pulling Noah out of preschool. Since I run my preschool out of my home it's stuff that most people can do right from home. And almost everything can be done with just one child.