October 25, 2010

To our Friends and Family,

I had a few spiritual revelations yesterday. I will spare you the details. The outcome includes us putting our TVs away or selling them, even just for a year or so. Although I'm hoping we enjoy living without so much that we don't ever want one again. We're all a little too dependent on it for entertainment. I'm also going to stop blogging. I feel like it will better serve myself and my family if I journal privately instead. Michael and I have not been at the top of our spiritual game for quite some time and we know that it's not going to get easier the older we get, the more kids we have, the further he is in school, etc. so we are starting now. Today. We made a list of goals for our family last night and hope to improve our relationships with each other and the Lord with these changes. We love all of you and hope to stay in close contact without the blog. My e-mail address is slurfeefrenchie@gmail.com if  you'd like to write.

I will probably put the blog to private with no readers in the next couple days until I print it all out and then I will delete it. Thanks for all of your support.


My Olson Family


leighmichellec said...

Well good for you guys. It is very hard to be distracted these days. Your family is the most important part! Although I will say I am sure everyone will miss your Blogs---you are just so darn funny! But people can get that in person too! Wishing you well.
-The Castillo Family

lilibet said...

That is sad, but I totally, totally understand. I hope it helps you get to where you want to go. :) We don't do tv and it's wonderful.

The Cornett Family said...

I totally understand, but I have to say I am very sad to not get to read your entertaining posts anymore!! I think you'll like no TV (though we still have A TV, just not tv channels, sounds like you're getting rid of both), it really does help a lot! You're amazing, and I admire you for all that you are doing for your family!

Shirley said...

I certainly agree. Each family has to work out goals that are best for them. I will miss your wonderful blogs. You and Michael are great parents and I know with the Lord's help everything will work out. Love you all.

Jazzy said...

Wow, I admire you. Good luck with everything Rachael! I'll miss watching your talented self and all the projects do :)

Kirsten said...

Oh, how sad. But I can see what your saying. I think a private family journal is a great idea.

Kate Clayton said...

I will miss reading the blog. I totally understand. Good luck and let me know how it goes. Mike and I constantly debate about getting rid of the t.v.

Erin said...

I too will miss your blog. but understand where you are coming from. At least you live close and we can still chat! Good luck to you guys!

Laurel said...

Sad day! I admire you for putting things aside and placing more emphasis on your family. I hope everything goes well!

andre'a said...

wow. well, SOME people can see you in person (can't put a price tag on that).

I must say, in my "non anonymous" state, HOW proud I am of you! (which is a sin but I'm working on it). If this is your last post (I totally love your e-mail address, too, by the way), then this is the last time I can comment. Which is probably a good thing. There are weirdos out there. And a whole bunch of people that don't matter as much as your eternal family who just like to see what the Olson's are up to. So quit entertaining us all and start LIVING! Wahoo! I'm sure there will be stages of missing it, but just go with the fancy feelings and make your life what you want it to be. I love you so much.

Daryl said...

I hope that you have an uplifting experience. I'll miss the going ons in Pullman and your lives.

Corbetts said...

Wow! Way to go! That is a great idea! It will give you tons of time with your wonderful kids! They will appreciate if also!

Natalie Smith said...

I have enjoyed keeping up with you and seeing your projects! It has also been fun to watch your family grow. Best wishes in this new adventure!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

While I totally understand - I'm still bummed that you wont have a blog anymore! But good luck, I'm sure it will be a good experience for your family - and that it will be for the best.