October 3, 2010

it was a big day..

for michael's beard
 he went from gruff mountain man
 to eerily similar to my dad
 to looking like his own dad
and then all the way off
to show that baby face of his


Monica said...

I love the progressive shots ~ and it's amazing how much he can look like our dad and his own. Hmmm.

Sorry I missed your call today. My body is adjusting from the lack of food and my binging. I need your phone number ~ call me tomorrow ok?

Ben said...

Oh man! I love shaving off ben's facial hair in stages. Ben's fav is the hitler mustache. No matter how many times he does it, it's always the funniest thing..... to him!!!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I love scruffy beards {clean and groomed ones}. I didn't think I did, but then Daniel grew one over Christmas - and I thought he looked so cute and rugged! I was sad when he had to shave it.
The different pics are too funny! Isn't it weird how much they can look like their father, with different facial hair? How does that happen...? :\

Natalie Smith said...

Nothing better than kissing a baby face!

andre'a said...

That's so funny! I lol'd and then read it to James and the first thing he said was, "She let him grow a beard?" (they're prohibited here)...

andre'a said...

sorry to not get your book "stamped" today by Suz Collins. I couldn't have even gotten a wristband because James had the car (it would've been hard with the two-week-old, too). But I'm bummed we're not getting together this weekend and that I won't get to give you your book back signed!