October 16, 2010

Dear Little Bernina,

First off, I love you. You've been my loyal sewing machine since I was sewing my own barbie clothes. I love that you are simple and always get the job done. The trouble is, you're choosing a poor time to act up. A few years ago I had time to wait until I saw my mom again to get our troubles worked out. But now! I have kids to sew Halloween costumes and bags for. I have started on my Christmas gift making and you're halting my progress. This is quite stifling. I won't see my Mom again until Thanksgiving (weather permitting) and that just won't do. I'd love to stitch things up between us but if that can't happen soon...... I'll be forced to replace you.

Desperate to sew again,



Erin said...

Oh man, that is so distressing. My machine gave up right in the middle of Ava's christmas dress last year. I totally freaked out. Luckily, Michelle let me borrow her's until I could replace my old machine. Good luck!

Debbie Olson said...

owe that hurt

Unknown said...

Okay so my mom, a Bernina lover, she has two in her sewing room, says there is in fact a place in Moscow that fixes them. She said it is located in the strip mall by the McDonald's on the other side of town(Troy Highway), before you hit Eastside Marketplace. It is called Stitches and Petals.

Jessica from Daisydotdesign.blogspot.com said...

I got my Bernina in Lewiston. And I'm loving. I hope it mends itself, cause that's always a fun budget breaker!!

Mommy Moreno said...

i cant believe how incredibly ambitious you are. Sewing them all?? I havent even figured out which costumes we'll BUY!! haha. I kinda hate you right now. ;0) kidding.