September 20, 2010

the news

here's the news
we had a fun day in spokane saturday
michael let me buy boots at nordy's
and heather and brooks came
and we all ate at red robin
and shopped lots and lots
and then yesterday i went to church for 5 hours
and a meeting
and while i was at my meeting my sister had her baby
luckily i was back home when she called
i'm shocked she went early this time
since last time she went a full 2 weeks over
i wish i was with her
michael told me today
that we can go to chicago next summer
and visit her
as a family
now i'm super excited
olive is the cutest
she hasn't laughed yet 
but she smiles so big
unless she's busy scowling
i cleaned out two closets today
and hung all our picture frames up on one wall
i have a full trunk of stuff to give away
sometimes you gotta purge, am i right?
should really make dinner
but both girls are napping
and i'm not one to wake a sleeping baby
michael's the best
today he came home for lunch
and we went on a walk around our parking lot
i really miss my sister
can't wait to hold her baby


Kate Clayton said...

I noticed your darling boots when I dropped Noah off on Monday. Are those the new boots? If so, they are "killer" cute!

andre'a said...

Frenchie, I MISS YOU, TOO! I'll call you tomorrow. I've got some funny nurse stories to tell (including one where a nurse came in the room, woke both of us up, asked if my "chest" (not the word she used) was sore and promptly moved her hands to that area, in time for me to block it). You are the best. I can't wait to talk and I'm so tired and I love you. I can't wait for you guys to come. Hopefully we'll have a house! (if we're still here)...

andre'a said...

Miss you!

andre'a said...

Sure could use a convo with my sis!

andre'a said...

(tomorrow, okay?)