May 25, 2010

34.5 weeks

i went in for a regular ob appointment today
and was asked about my contractions
which i have a lot of
so they aren't normal but...i'm used to them
i was sent to the hospital to be monitored
and to get an ultrasound because i'm measuring big
they don't like you to have more than 
4 contractions in an hour
but i was having up to 12 an hour
so i'm on medication for it now
and i got an ultrasound
showing our new due date
it's a compromise of the old two
july 1st
and the baby is just over 5 pounds
i do have a lot of amniotic fluid which might be why i'm measuring big
seeing the baby was like christmas morning
she looks so pretty
just like hazel
but with chubby cheeks
and HAIR!
i even got to see her yawn
it was so precious


Natalie Smith said...

Oh, you look ready any day! Seeing the baby yawn had to have been wonderful! How sweet. You are almost there!!! Hang in their!

Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Seriously, when I'm pregnant I am going to H&M to get that shirt. I love it.

lilibet said...

Home stretch! She sounds darling.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

OOo! An ultrasound so late in your pregnancy WOULD be awesome! I can't believe you could see her hair :D How exciting!!

Jessica from said...

Wish you the best with the delivery and that it happens when it should!! You look so good though!!!

Mike and Jennie said...

How fun, not the contractions, but seeing your little girl. We might have to plan a road trip. Hang in there!

Youngs said...

how exciting!! i have no doubt she will be as adorable if not MORE than her bro and sis!

Ben said...

Rachael you are so pretty even pregnant! My friend Erica had an ultrasound and showed me what the dr said was hair. I didn't really think that it could all be hair, but when she was born, no joke, she had about three inches of hair. It was crazy! It's amazing what you can see in an ultrasound!