October 5, 2009

mr independent

today while we were eating dinner
michael and i were talking about what we needed from the store
noah asked if we were going grocery shopping
we said we weren't
he said "i go grocery shopping....by myself"
we asked what he was going to get
his response wasn't very easy to understand
especially when we asked how he would get there
he said "i go five click and then i be there"
it seemed like an odd mode of transportation
but we gave permission anyway and said "....ok"
noah was so excited about the thought of going by himself to the store
until he realized a harsh reality
and said "....i can't open the door" (it's childproofed)
we all laughed
the end


Kirsten said...

That is really funny! Aren't they so cute!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

LOL that's too cute! XD

Fran Ross said...

Noah couldn't be any cuter! I love when they just say things that are probably right (5 clicks), but their brain is just too fast for the mouth to keep up.

miriam said...

Oh Noah. love that kid!

Monica said...

I go five click all the time!

Brian said...

That was pretty much the greatest story EVER! :)

Laurel said...

That story made my day. :)